When will Windsor Park Nordic Centre Close this Season?
Many of you have been asking and a definitive answer is not always easy. Also, it’s hard to accept that our ski season is nearing it’s logical end…but accept we must.
If we could keep the clubhouse and trails open for the rest of this month or whenever the snow melts (which is usually around now but not this year it seems) we would do it but two things are working against us.
- #1 The City is undecided as to whether or not work related to the clubhouse ceiling insulation and potential roof repairs are necessary or imminent. We have been told to expect crews to begin that work starting Monday March 18th.
- #2 Dutch Elm Disease Control Program crews are extremely eager to get out on the course. This will most likely (and negatively) affect our ski trails. We managed to convince them not to destroy our trails this week but next week is a different story.
So, to make a short story long…
Windsor Park Nordic Centre will be closed after 6:00 PM Sunday March 17th.
There, I said it…sniff.
Staff will be in the building most of the week packing up and cleaning up. You are most welcome to stop in, say hello (ahem…help pack up a few boxes) etc.
Jim will continue to groom the trails so long as it is possible and safe to do so. We will just have to wait and see what the DED work will do to our route.
Many thanks to all of you, our family of skiers, for supporting the Windsor Park Nordic Centre.
We are very encouraged by our continued good relationship with the City of Winnipeg. This spring we will negotiate a long term contract agreement with the City that will begin next season. We expect to complete our additional lighting and ski trail project within the next 12 months. We will continue to seek funding and sponsorship opportunities to keep improving the trails and the clubhouse facilities. We will explore opportunities to expand programming and attract more and more people to our world of winter recreation. Oh yes, we have big plans!
We will also be doing our very best to continue to keep trail fees as affordable as possible. Please feel free to contact us any time with your comments, feedback, ideas, external sources of funding, volunteer offerings….don’t be a stranger.
Let’s stay in touch and we’ll…ski you again in November…
p.s. There is a mountain of lost and found items in the clubhouse. Please come in this week/end to look for things you didn’t realize you had lost. They will all be sent to Goodwill in a couple of weeks. If you would like to take all or some of the items to another organization that serves those in need please let us know.