Minimum Mandatory Coaching Qualifications
Coaching workshops are mandatory for people interested in coaching club athletes from Jackrabbits to the Provincial Development Program.
Nordiq Canada has established a Minimum Mandatory Coaching Qualifications (MMCQ) policy for all clubs and coaches in our sport system.
You need a coaching license if you perform typical coaching or instruction tasks with a Nordiq Canada/CCSAM club, including delivering or helping to deliver practices with any age group.
Only coaches who meet the Minimum Mandatory Coaching Qualifications and have a valid Coaching License will benefit from Nordiq Canada’s Liability Insurance Policy while coaching with a Nordiq Canada ski club.
The license is renewable annually and is valid from July 1 to June 30. You must already be a club member to sign up for a Coaching License.
Coach Screening Requirements
Ask your club for full details. At a minimum, all coaches need:
- Minimum Mandatory training &/or certification (see MMCQ policy and Coaching Qualifications Flowchart)
- Respect in Sport Activity Leader certification (see below)
- Nordiq Canada Coaching License (see above)
- Safe Sport Training and Understanding the Rule of Two – online modules found in The Locker (see above)

Respect in Sport
Every coach in Manitoba MUST complete this online certification course (every 5 years).
Athlete & Coach Development Progression
National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)
Athlete Age | LTAD Stage | NCCP Context | Notes |
0-6 | Active Start (AS) | Intro to Community Coaching (ICC) (see “Coach Development Progression” for details) | Prerequisite: 16 years or older. For: ALL coaches Next step: CC OR L2T |
6-9 males 6-8 females | FUNdamentals (FUN) | Community Coaching (CC) (see “Coach Development Progression” for details) | Prerequisite: ICC For: coaching 0-9 year olds, assistant coach 9-16 year olds. Next step: L2T |
9-12 males 8-11 females | Learning to Train (L2T) | Competition Coaching Introduction (CCI – L2T) (see “Coach Development Progression” for details) | Prerequisite: ICC For: Coaching 0-16 year olds Next step: L2T On Snow or T2T Dryland |
12-16 males 11-15 females | Training to Train (T2T) | Competition Coaching Introduction Advanced (CCI-advanced – T2T) (see “Coach Development Progression” for details) | Prerequisite: L2T Dryland For: Coaching 0-16 year olds Next step: CCD (“Comp Dev”) |
16-20 +/- males 15-19 +/- females | Learning to Compete (L2C) | Competition Coaching Development (CCD) (see “Coach Development Progression” for details) | Prerequisite: T2T certified For: Coaching 0-20 year olds. Canada Winter Games team coach Next step: CDAG |
20-23 +/- males 19-23 +/- females | Training to Compete (T2C) | Competition Coaching Development – Advanced Gradation (CDAG) (see “Coach Development Progression” for details) | National Ski Team Assistant Coach. See link for details. |
23 +/- males 23 +/- females | Training to Win (T2W) | Competition Coaching High Performance (CCHP) (see “Coach Development Progression” for details) | National Ski Team Coach. See link for details. |
Contact Us to schedule a workshop in your area.
Coaching Resources & Funding
- Sport Manitoba Coaching Resources
- Sport Manitoba Coaching – NCCP Courses
- Coaching Grants – from Nordiq Canada, Coaching Association of Canada, Sport Manitoba Coaching, CCSAM
- – Coaching Association of Canada
- Sport Medicine & Science Council of Manitoba
- Minimum Age for NCCP Workshops Policy
- Maintenance of Coach Certification

Abuse, Harassment, Bullying or Hazing in Sport
SAFE SPORT LINE: 1-833-656-SAFE (7233)
If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, harassment, bullying or hazing in sport, and you need someone to talk to, call the safe sport line: 1-833-656-SAFE (7233).

Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM)
Our sport organization pledges to align our practices with Phase 1 of the Responsible Coaching Movement and is committed to ensuring that our athletes and coaches are protected.