
Where to Ski in Manitoba
The Cross Country Ski Association of Manitoba provides Where to Ski for the benefit of cross country skiers. Please exercise caution when skiing in very cold weather and/or steep terrain. Choose trails appropriate to your ability. Use a map and don’t ski alone.
Manitoba skiers can inform other skiers about trail conditions by posting a trail conditions report directly to Where to Ski. (You can also comment on another skier’s report, ask questions, start a discussion, opt to receive notifications via email, and connect with other skiers.)
Latest trail conditions updates
Please contact us if you notice any missing or inaccurate trail information.
Another source of trail conditions is the A Cross Country Ski Club group on Facebook. The 2700+ members often share their experiences.
Joining a ski club or becoming an Associate Member of CCSAM helps to support ski trails in Manitoba.
How to use Where to Ski
Manitoba skiers can inform other skiers about trail conditions by submitting reports directly to Where to Ski.
- Step 1: Create an account by clicking/tapping on Register in the Log In panel of any Where to Ski page. This is a one-time action. (If you’re already logged in to an account, you won’t see Register.)
- Step 2: Log In to Where to Ski.
- Step 3: Navigate to the trail Group you’re interested in following (or wish to post trail conditions reports to), and click Join Group. Join as many groups as you’d like. You can opt to receive a notification via email when someone posts to the group. Step 3 is a one-time action for each trail Group you are interested in.
- Step 4: Navigate to a trail Group you have joined and post a trail conditions report, comment on another skier’s report, ask questions, or start a discussion.
- If you are posting an update from the Latest Updates page (and not a specific Group page) be sure to choose Post in: Group (not Post in: Profile) from the dropdown prior to clicking Post Update.
- Updates may take a few seconds to appear, do not click Post Update twice (you will duplicate your post).
- Please disregard the “critical error” message you will receive after confirming your email/account. This is an incompatibility issue in the system and does not impact your account.
Clubs and Trail Organizers
- Contact us at the CCSAM office to be made an administrator of your trail Group. As an Admin, you will be able to change content — update descriptions, upload photos, add maps, etc.