Start a Jackrabbits Program

How to Start a Jackrabbits Program

Welcome Jackrabbit Leaders and THANK YOU, on behalf of all Jackrabbits and their families, for all of your volunteer hours and endless enthusiasm for skiing and this program!

Skill Development Program Enrolment and Order form

Please download, save and email this form to Karin in the CCSAM office

Please get your orders in as early as possible as supplies are limited and late orders to our supplier may incur an extra charge for shipping. You may re-order program supplies any time, please send a new order form (do not add to a previous form).

Each child you enroll will receive a enrolment gift, typically a toque for Bunnies & Jackrabbits and a buff or headband for Track Attack skiers.

All enrolled skiers must be registered club members.

Please do not send payment as your club will be invoiced for your order(s) at year end (or earlier if requested). 

Volunteer Screening & Risk Management

There are good, well-researched reasons behind the requirement for minimum training standards. The coaching workshops are all about providing a safe, enjoyable sport experience for children – so that children will chose sport over less desirable activities as they get older (research shows that more coach training = lower drop out rates for children 14 and younger).

Volunteer screening is a critical aspect of our jobs as youth activity programmers. Here are just a few online resources to help you and your club develop your own Volunteer Screening policy & procedures:

Please contact us if you have any questions!