
Lost Your Mittens?


FOUND Lobster mitts and Salomon ski grips in Windsor Park Nordic Centre clubhouse, Jan. 26th call Kristin 204-668-2516   Click here for other Lost & Found items on the CCSAM website.

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Final Sprints Update


We are in for a great weekend of Nordic and Biathlon action! Temperatures will be -7C to -9C in the morning and -5C to 6C in the afternoon.    Here …

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Provincial Sprints Race Notice UPDATE


  The CCSAM Provincial Sprints (Jan. 28th) technique has changed to Free (skate) technique.    Trail/snow conditions have proven unsuitable for setting classic tracks for (high speeds) sprints. The crew …

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Poor conditions


Trail conditions are NOT good. Too warm and too wet. Skate skiing at this moment is OK but there are NO classic tracks set on any trail. The practice grid …

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Race results: Manitoba Loppet


Cross skiers are a hardy and adaptable bunch! The 41st Manitoba Loppet goers had to deal with incredibly soft conditions on Saturday. Kudos to the organizers, volunteers, wax techs and …

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Westerns Race Report: Gold for Manitoba!


Our Manitoba team had amazing results on Day 1 of the Haywood Western Canadian Championships – Buff Sprints!   Zone4 results   Notably Conor McGovern qualified with the fastest time …

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Low-Fluoro Glide Waxing Protocol


Athletes, coaches, parents & wax technicians please be aware of the following Low-Fluoro Glide Waxing Protocol effective immediately: CCSAM LOW FLUORO GLIDE WAXING PROTOCOL January 9, 2017 CCSAM respectfully requests ALL …

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Race results: Wednesday Night Jan 18th


Thank you Red River Nordic Club volunteers! The Wednesday Night Race Series is finally underway after a few early season weather hiccups. Results from the race this week now posted here: Calendar & …

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