Birds Hill Provincial Park’s Draft Trails Plan (update)

News November 10, 2017

by Kevin Miller, CCSAM Board-approved Recreational Skiing volunteer

Last February I wrote about the background and details of Birds Hill Provincial Park’s Draft Trails Plan after CCSAM Executive Director Karin McSherry and I met with Manitoba Parks’ staff to discuss the plan and provide comments. Today I received an update from Kurtis Cline, District Park Supervisor, Birds Hill Provincial Park:

There has been a lot of movement with this plan of late. The final draft is in front of the Minister of Sustainable Development and we hope to hear something soon. I can tell you the snowmobile trail will be modified this year to a single trail across the park. The north loop of the Tamarack trail will be developed for dogsleds and skate skiing. The Group Use 1 area will have additional trails for skate skiing and skijoring. There is no addition to the classic skiing trail system. This is all still draft at this point, but I was told I can implement the items noted above.

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