Swap Shop Cancelled (again this year)

News October 7, 2021

The annual cross country ski Swap Shop has been held in mid November for over 30 years, but again this year, CCSAM has decided to cancel it. Public health restrictions are a factor, but the global supply shortage of cross country ski equipment is the show-stopper. In recent years, the vast majority of equipment for sale at our swap shop has come from local ski shops who are clearing out previous years’ stock. There isn’t any this year, so a swap shop would have a huge shortage of items for purchase.

There are a number of online buy & sell platforms that individuals can use to buy or sell cross country ski items — Facebook Marketplace and Kijiji are the two most obvious. In particular, there is a Manitoba Cross Country ski gear Buy, Sell and trade Facebook group that has 1700 members.

Hopefully you’ll find what you need.