Falcon Combined / MB Cup #3 Race Notice

Events News January 18, 2018

We welcome everyone to the Falcon Combined Jan. 27th and Jan. 28th 

A two-day competition of Nordic Skiing and Biathlon hosted by Red River Nordic at Falcon Ridge. The snow conditions at Falcon Ridge are fantastic. The CCSAM cup race will include the newly developed trails in both the upper and lower (Red Trail) systems.

Day 1: Saturday Jan. 272018
CCSAM Manitoba Cup Race #3 – 11:00 AM UPDATE 26 Jan: Race starts 12:00 PM
Jackrabbit Session (10:30 AM)
+ Biathlon Manitoba Biathlon Open House/Open Range (2:00 pm)

Day 2: Sunday Jan. 28, 2018
Biathlon Manitoba Cup Race #4 @12:00 PM

Registration Deadline: Jan. 25th at 10:00 PM

UPDATE JAN 23rd: 5 km Citizen’s Race to the Falcon Combined registration for Masters


 Directions to Falcon Ridge: http://www.falconridgeski.com/contact/