Club Development Grant

About Club Development Grants
CCSAM encourages its clubs to pursue new ideas and programs. We invite clubs with these new program ideas to present proposals to CCSAM for support. Whenever possible CCSAM will provide the club with the support they require to make their project a success whether it be administrative, promotional or financial support e.g. assisting with club equipment purchases, travel assistance for a club team to attend an out of province event etc.
The proposal should explain how the project or program will serve your club members, improve your existing programs or increase interest/participation in the sport of cross-country skiing in Manitoba.
Examples of previously funded projects include clubhouse upgrades, trail signage, program equipment purchases and ski clinics.
Please contact the CCSAM office with your questions.
CCSAM will determine the funding available for the Club Development grant by September 15th of each year.
- Applications may only be submitted by a CCSAM Member Club in good standing.
- A club may apply for more than one Club Development grant per year; however, the total of all approved Club Development grants must not exceed $500 per club per year.
Application Deadline: October 15th annually
Application Forms
To download and print:
Club Development Grant application (.pdf)
To save and email:
Club Development Grant application (.doc)
If application is approved, funds will be dispersed after the project is complete and an updated budget with actual income and expenses is submitted.