
Manitoba Ski Team – 2019 National Championships


Best of luck to our Manitoba team competing at Nationals this year! The 2019 Canadian National Championships take place March 13 – 20, 2019. Team Athletes: Casey Nelson Imogen Nadlersmith …

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CANSI Presence Grows in Manitoba


CANSI (The Canadian Association of Nordic Ski Instructors) conducted a 5 day Level II/Level III Instructor Certification Course January 11, 12, & 13 and February 9 & 10 at Windsor …

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Spirit North Multi-Community Festival


Multi-Community Festival Days are a signature event hosted each year by Spirit North as a celebration of sport, activity, traditional practices and friendship. Communities, leaders, students and volunteers come together for a full day of sport …

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Event Notice: Turtle Mountain Ski Day


Turtle Mountain Nordic Club is excited to host a Turtle Mountain Ski Day on Saturday, February 16th. Skiing at 2:00 PM, chilli supper at 5:00 PM ($5/each). All ages and skill …

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Women to Watch Grant and More


Each year, Sport Manitoba awards academic scholarships and bursaries to Manitoba’s athletes and coaches. Find out more about the spring intake of applications. Sport Manitoba Grants and Scholarships As well, …

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