2023 Grooming Seminar / Workshop
Back by popular demand! We are hosting a snow/trail grooming seminar/workshop for all interested parties.
Whether you’re a veteran groomer or just interested in getting some tracks set in your area, we welcome you to come exchange ideas, demo equipment and meet other trail builders and groomers.
When: Thursday, March 16, 10 AM – 2 PM
Where: Windsor Park Nordic Center, 10 Des Meurons Street, Winnipeg
Cost: $0.00
We will have several pieces of equipment on hand: pulling machines,groomers,drags, rollers,etc.
- 2021 Yamaha Viking side-by-side w Camso tracks and Cab
- 2020 Ski-Doo Skandic SWT 900
- Ginzu Groomers
- Snowdogs with tracksetters and toboggan
- Steel roller
- Meuller Tornado 2.0 Snow Tiller (no tractor on site to operate)
- various DIY rigs for all manner of ski trail grooming excellence
Please contact Laurie Penton at 204-471-3447 if you plan to bring any of your own equipment.
The day will start with coffee/snacks in our clubhouse and a few brief presentations on the following topics:
- Community Trails – Starting a Local Trail Network from Scratch (Scotty Nystrom, Bourkevale Community Centre)
- Funding Opportunities to Develop Ski Trails in Manitoba (Karin McSherry, Executive Director CCSAM)
- Trail Signage – This Way Home (Laurie Penton, CCSAM)
- 10 AM – meet and greet, coffee, general discussion
- 11 AM – hands on look at equipment comparing features (pros/cons) of different types of equipment
- 1 PM – opportunity to try out/operate equipment on hand
- 2 PM – wrap up
Q&A will occur throughout the session.
Please RSVP your attendance by email info@ccsam.ca.