NEW Government Grants for Sport – Apply Now

Club News August 25, 2022
As sport continues to bounce back after a couple challenging years, the Province’s new Arts, Culture and Sport in Community (ACSC) Fund is an opportunity for eligible non-profit organizations to enhance accessibility to quality programming and facilities.

This is a big opportunity for sport, and we encourage our sport partners to apply here as soon as possible.

Distributed over three years, up to $100 million in funding will support three programs:
Large Capital Projects (deadline October 31, 2022)
Small Capital Project and Special Initiatives (deadline September 26, 2022)
Community Celebrations (Deadline is quarterly, on September 15, December 15, March 15 and June 15)

The programs will allow local arts, culture, and sport organizations to innovate and respond to emerging community needs, including those that are led by Indigenous, Francophone, and ethnocultural communities.

Find an FAQ, fund guidelines and application forms at