Ski Season Begins!

News December 23, 2020

Nothing like a proper winter storm to usher in the start of a promising ski season!

Ski trail groomers have been very busy across the whole province getting trails ready for skiing. Rolling, packing, track setting, sign posting – it’s a big job. And it takes time. From start to finish, count on one to two hours per kilometre of trail, depending on the amount of snow accumulation. Wind does not help. In fact, strong winds will almost always suspend grooming operations for a time (bush trails protected by trees being the exception).

While you patiently wait for your favourite trail to open, consider how you can contribute to its upkeep. Many trails are groomed by ski club volunteers. Club memberships and/or daily trail fees help keep sleds fuelled and equipment maintained. Find out where you can send your trail stewardship dollars here: Trail Conditions or Find a Club to join today.

Ski lessons are on hold for now. Thanks Covid. For those of you hoping to take a ski lesson or two sometime this year (a very worthwhile investment) you can check out some very helpful and free content here: Nordic Ski Lab

Wherever you go to ski this winter please remember your Covid basics. You MUST maintain a distance of 2m from others at all times. During the current Code Red restrictions, all warming huts and similar buildings are closed so keep that well in mind as you prepare to spend any time outdoors this winter.

Be merry and well everyone. Best wishes to you all!