Provincial Development Program Seeking Applicants for 2019-2020 Team Trips

Coaching October 2, 2019

Preparations are underway to send teams of Manitoba athletes to the following events this season.

  • Early Snow Camp– Canmore, AB December 1 – 9, 2019. Deadline: October 1st, 2019
  • Ontario Cup– Lappe Nordic, Thunder Bay, ON January 1 – 5, 2020. 
  • Mid season race (TBD)– stay tuned for future notice.
  • National Championships– Sovereign Lake, Vernon, BC March 26 – April 2, 2020

The Provincial Development Program is seeking applications from everyone interested in leading and assisting with the teams this season. We need:

  • Coaches – Lead, Assistant & Apprentices
  • Managers (including Apprentice Managers)
  • Wax technicians (including Apprentice Wax techs)

Deadline: October 15th, 2018
(except Early Snow Camp)