Invitation: 2019 Annual General Meeting of Members

News September 27, 2019

The Cross Country Ski Association of Manitoba (CCSAM) invites you to attend the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Members.

Please join the CCSAM Board of Directors and club leaders for a social morning of coffee & cake and a short meeting where we report on last season, present the budget for this season and chat about all things nordic in Manitoba.

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2019

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: Sport Manitoba – 145 Pacific Ave. Winnipeg

Club Reports: For information sharing purposes only. Club reports will be shared with all AGM attendees and posted with other documents on the CCSAM website. If you would like your club report included please submit it to the CCSAM office no later than Wednesday October 23, 2019. Please submit your reports by email:

Your club report may consist of anything you like. Here are some ideas:

  • Statement of the club’s 2018-19 membership, i.e. number of registered members/participants, number of Jackrabbits, number of registered coaches/instructors/tour leaders and their certification levels, etc.
  • Description of club activities in 2018-19 i.e. programs offered, workshops coordinated, trips taken, facilities maintained, grants received, etc.
  • Other club activities and any other information you would like to share.

AGM Voting: Each current Member Club* in good standing is entitled to 1 vote at the AGM. If the Club President is not able to attend the AGM then a club representative must present a 2019 AGM Proxy Form. 

*Current Member clubs are clubs that registered with, and paid club/membership dues to CCSAM in the previous (2018-19) season.

Full meeting information, including documents, here: 2019 AGM