Coach Education Funding Opportunity – Deadline Sep 13th
Coaching Manitoba would like to inform the PSO’s about an exciting an opportunity from the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) and Game Plan. Game Plan is Canada’s national athlete total wellness program, which supports and empowers high-performance athletes to pursue excellence during and beyond their sporting careers.
The CAC and Game Plan are piloting a Coach Education program to introduce athletes to the possibility of a career in coaching. As part of this initiative, Game Plan and CAC would support up to 7 athletes to complete the Competition-Development coach certification for their sport or the Advanced Coaching Diploma program.
The Comp-Dev support for 2-5 applicants will be available for athletes who are still competing or within 2 years of retirement as per Game Plan eligibility, with the CAC’s funding contribution for female participants, as per CAC’s directed funding via it’s Women in Coaching Program.
Reimbursement of coaching education fees for 1-2 athletes will also be covered to complete the Advanced Coaching Diploma program. This will be available for athletes transitioning out of sport or who are already retired, with the CAC’s funding going solely toward women participants.
The application deadline is September 13th, 2019 and the start of the education process would begin in October 2019.
For more information and to apply please see the links below:
- Game Plan info:
- Application: