Brent Bottomley Awarded Dave Rees Award by Nordiq Canada
Congratulations to this year’s Nordiq Canada’s award winners that were presented at this year’s AGM and Annual Awards Banquet in Saint-Sauveur, Quebec. Thanks to all for their outstanding support of cross-country skiing over many years.
Dave Reese Award
Awarded to a man or woman who has made a long-term, outstanding commitment to the sport of cross-country skiing in Canada at all levels (local, regional and national) and in any of the many ways in which volunteers or professionals give of themselves to our sport.
Winners: Brent Bottomley (Manitoba) and Len Apedaile (British Columbia)
Kym & Michayle Bottomley were able to attend and accept the award, presented by Karin McSherry on behalf of Nordiq Canada.

Firth Award
Presented to a woman who has made an outstanding volunteer contribution to cross-country skiing in Canada.
Winner: Amanda Deulling (Yukon)
Volunteer of the Year Award
Presented to a man or woman to recognize significant achievement in the regional or national development of cross-country skiing in Canada.
Winners: Dave Moore (New Brunswick), and Gerry Brenemen (British Columbia)
Media of the Year
Awarded to an individual, a newspaper publisher, television station or scribe in social media who has effectively highlighted and portrayed athletes in our sport, and/or our sport in a positive and exciting manner, continuously throughout the year or at one significant event
Winner: Carl Tardif, Le Soleil in Québec
Sponsor of the Year
Awarded to a sponsor or supplier who goes beyond the scope of their sponsorship agreement with Nordiq Canada by making a significant commitment and support to the sport and to the National Ski Teams.
Winner: Fischer (Lanctôt domestic and Fischer International)
Congratulations to Downtown Nordic for earning 2 2018-2019 Club Podium Awards (Small Club category):