CCC’s Para Nordic Grants – Apply Now!

Club News October 19, 2018

A few important notes about the 2018-19 PWAD (Participants With A Disability) Grants:

In an effort to enhance the competitive base of Para-Nordic skiing and accessibility to programs, the 2018/19 PWAD grant will place a high priority on targeted recruitment of athletes, guides, coaches and support staff as well as new PN programs at clubs, to grow and expand the base of skiers and PN opportunities in Canada.

Primary Funding Priority Initiatives:

  • Identification and targeted recruitment of new Para-Nordic athletes.
  • Identification and training of new Para-Nordic coaches, guides and support staff.
  • Growing Nordic ski club Para-Nordic programming and supports * new club programs (accessibility, training, programming)

Secondary Funding Priority Initiatives:

  • Provincial PN programs coordination (PN dedicated staff and related expenses).
  • Camps and Competition targeted for athletes in their first year or who have demonstrated they are on the podium pathway, as well as guides and coaches support for these athletes.

Tertiary Funding Priority Initiatives;

  • Purchases of specialized equipment (property of the division).

Applications available on the CCC website.

Application deadline closes November 5th, 2018.