Winnipeg Mayoral Forum – Tue Sep 23rd
You are invited to a Mayoral Forum – Inspiring Leadership, Integrity and Equity – Sep 23
Moderated by Janet Stewart of CBC Winnipeg News
What: An opportunity for the public to hear, and ask candidates about their commitments to community, people and the environment.
OURS-Winnipeg is a co-sponsor of this forum and will be asking questions about the City- owned golf courses and City-wide green space planning.
OURS-Winnipeg (Outdoor Urban Recreation Spaces – Winnipeg) is calling on Friends and Supporters of urban green spaces to become actively engaged in the 2014 civic election in Winnipeg.
Golf courses owned and operated by the City of Winnipeg are once again under threat of sale for commercial and residential development.
The City of Winnipeg lacks a Green Space Master Plan for the planning and management of its natural areas and green space infrastructure.
When: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Where: North Centennial Community Centre, 90 Sinclair Street, Winnipeg