The Future of Windsor Park Nordic Centre

News April 19, 2014

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What’s new at Windsor Park? For starters, we have a new logo! Cue applause.

What else? Well, we are currently finalizing the details (oh, the details!) of a long term agreement with the City of Winnipeg to continue our operations at Windsor Park Nordic Centre into the foreseeable future. In other words, “we aren’t going anywhere”.

The future really is bright at Windsor Park. You surely have noticed the addition of two new sections of lit trail this season – Brent’s Loop running just south east of The Hill and the small, resurrected Cut Off section on the Dog Tooth river loop over on the Blue Oval. These sections will become even better next season when we replace the lamps with a new product that diffuses more light.

Did we mention how we finally named all the trail sections? The snazzy new map shows all.

And this is just the beginning of a grand scheme to enhance your skiing experience at Windsor Park. Other plans include further expansion of the lit trail sections, working with the City to provide accessible facilities, expansion of our current clubhouse facilities to accommodate our growing membership and patrons, snow making ability etc.

Exciting, yes. Expensive, you bet!

Capital Campaign time! In the near future we will be launching a capital campaign to fund our dreams at the Nordic Centre. Federal, provincial & municipal grants will be applied for, corporate sponsors will be wooed, Foundation and individual donations will be requested. Keep us in mind when considering your donation budget this year.

Despite the brutally cold winter Windsor Park had a long (114 days) and surprisingly successful season. Folks were taking lots of ski lessons, bringing their friends and family, renting equipment and just hanging out by the fire with us all season long. Thank you for your support.

Be kind to yourselves, stay active and we’ll see you skiing next season!