Fellow skier would like your support

News February 4, 2014

Red River Coop Board of Director elections

Marlene Boersch has decided to run for her third term as a Director of Red River Coop and is looking for support from the ski community!

If re-elected to the Board of Directors at Red River Coop, Marlene will focus on:
(a)  Profitability – The continued profitability (read patronage refunds) of the gas retail system and of any new endeavours at RRC.
(b)  Continued compliance with all environmental regulations and to push RRC to exceed those regulations where possible.
The Coop has been very successful in recent years in its ability to pay back excellent per liter refunds, and has shown outstanding environmental responsibility. Community support by contributing to a number of charitable organizations within its trading area has been substantial. As a director, Marlene has been able to directly financially support the Chris McCubbins Inner City Ski Program over several years, and the Kenora Nordic & Biathlon Club.

– Why mess with success? Please vote for the incumbents Marlene Boersch & Gordon Machej.