Wed Night Race Postponed to FRIDAY

Events News January 21, 2014

It appears that Mother Nature will once again have us postpone yet another Wed Night Race.

We have rescheduled the January 22nd race to this Friday January 24th at 7:00 PM. The pre-race meeting will take place at 6:30 PM so please ensure to pick up your bibs by this time. This race will also be the Power Smart Manitoba Winter Games qualifier for the Winnipeg region.

If you registered for last week’s race that was cancelled, you have automatically been registered for this race. If you know that you cannot attend, we would appreciate you letting us know ahead of time so tat we can apply your registration to another wed nite race

We do apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you, but when the weather forecast presented a break in the weather on Friday, we decided to take it as we did not know when we would be able to have this race again as we need to submit names of winners ASAP.

The Wed Night Race registration will remain open till Thursday at 9:00 PM in case you know someone else who wants to take part in the race.

We hope to see you out on Friday night.

~Ron Pelletier