Manitoba Winter Games – Parkland Regional Qualifier

Events News December 31, 2013
ParklandQualifierParkland Qualifier
Saturday Jan 4th
10:00 am
McCreary Golf Course (west on PTH #361).
This is a classic race with interval start on a set track.

  • Pee Wee 2 km
  • Midget 3 km
  • Juvenile 5 km
Everyone welcome (all ages) to race.
Age categories
  • Pee Wee – Boys born 2001 & 2002; Girls born 2002
  • Midget –  Boys born 1999 & 2000; Girls born 2000 & 2001
  • Juvenile – Boys born 1998; Girls born 1998 & 1999
We will briefly go over the “how to race” tips prior to the race on Saturday.
After the Parkland team is selected we will have time to train together in February & learn the various types of skiing skills for the races. We plan to go to some smaller races before the winter games also. Manitoba Winter Games are March 2nd to 5th.
Check out these websites for more information:

People should think of this as an opportunity to learn more Cross Country Ski skills, meet other young skiers and see more ski areas in our province. We can make this lots of fun. This is a once in 4 year experience.
Please don’t feel intimidated there is help to improve your skiing skills before the games. So sign up and lets get racing.
I am setting a track today or tomorrow (ski do is giving me grief) and will be out at the golf club house Wednesday & Thursday if people want to ski – please let me know at or call 204-835-2529.
Thank you & think snow.
Pam Little
McCreary Ski & Outdoor Club