Ski Wasagaming this Saturday
Kick off the Christmas break with a day of skiing activities for participants of all ages.
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Riding Mountain Jackrabbits Open Ski. Jackrabbits is a kids Cross-country Ski program that encourages learning through cross-country ski games. Ages 5 and up. Bring your skis and join in the fun. Parents welcome.
1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Ski Waxing Clinic. Learn the basics to waxing skate and classic skis. Geared to recreational skiers.
2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Cross-country ski lesson for adults. Learn simple techniques for Classic skiing. Skiers must supply their own equipment.
All activities are FREE and start at the Friends Learning Centre (154 Columbine Street, Wasagaming).
FREE Hot chocolate by the campfire all day.
Chili fundraiser to support Friends of RMNP winter activities. Chili & a Bun $5.00
George Hartlen
Chief Administrative Officer
Friends of RMNP
ph# 204-848-4037