Pumpkin Creek Ski Club needs help
It was a record year for Pumpkin Creek – a record low, that is, for days of skiing. We had exactly one week of skiing on groomed trail this year!
Now it’s time to get ready for moving the clubhouse. As we mentioned in a earlier newsletter, all of our trails are on privately owned land. One of the landowners has requested that we move the clubhouse from his property. A new site has been selected, and a building mover has been lined up for the first week in May.
To prepare the new building site we are having a site clearing work bee on Monday, April 9 at 10:00 am.
We’ll be cutting and stacking brush, mowing grass, cutting down and bucking up trees. If you can come out and help, give Jack a call at 204 248 2362 or show up on Monday at the parking lot. Tools will be provided. Bring a lunch and water.